Coach 5
On August 30th, 2024 a small team of Friends of the OR&W members set out to document and tarp OR&W Coach 5.
If you would like to help with (or help fund the effort) to preserve this piece, and the other remaining pieces of OR&W equipment, please reach out to the Friends of the OR&W. You can do so by using our Contact Us Page.
Coach 5 as found.
A quick pass of the weed eater was needed to clear away the weeds.... this also exposed a ground bee nest.
Inspecting the roof showed some serious concerns.
Tarps being applied after clearing the area and documenting the car.
Weather proofed and ready for winter.
Though the roof is in pretty rough shape, the car body itself is in very good condition and has withstood the test of time well all things considered. The floor and structure of the car show no signs of serious deterioration.
Coach 5 was the President's car which makes it that much more important to the OR&W and the legacy of the railroad.
More to come for Coach 5.